Learning and Understanding, Paving towards Achieving Dreams
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Corner
All students are required to familiarize themselves with the safety rules of the school to avoid injury or damage to life and property.
1.1 Beware of the fire hazards in the school.
1.2 Take part in the school’s fire drill seriously.
1.3 When a fire alarm is sounded:
• Do not panic.
• Leave the classroom premises fast and in an orderly manner.
• Close doors behind you.
• Follow the evacuation routes.
• Proceed to assembly area.
1.4 The teacher is the last to leave the classroom. 1.5 Teachers stays with their students and wait for further instructions.
Essential things to remember during an earthquake:
• Do not panic. Stay calm.
• Remember to Drop, Cover, and Hold on.
• Stay inside until the shaking stops. Move only when it is safe to go out.
• Face away from the windows.
• Stay away from tall objects that may topple over and watch out for falling objects.
• Go to open areas and stay clear of buildings and power lines.
• Do not smoke or light matches/lighter.
• Follow the evacuation routes and stay in the assembly area.
Turn off all the lights, electric fans, other electronic devices and keep faucets closed.
What to do during flood:
1. Keep informed on the news about the flood and weather situation.
2. Be alert on the advice of local government and instructions for possible evacuation.
3. Avoid passing through flooded areas.
4. If needed to evacuate, keep drawers, windows, doors, and gates locked and wear protective foot gears to avoid being wounded.
5. Avoid plunging into flood water to prevent diseases like leptospirosis.
When classes are suspended by order of competent authorities. Student should leave the school only when it is safe to do so. In case of heavy rains, students may remain inside the rooms during breaks. Teachers stays with the class. During inclement weather when typhoon signals are expected, parents/guardians should be guided by the following.
a. Class in the Kindergarten is automatically suspended when storm signal number 1 is raised. Class suspended for elementary and high school when PSWS number 2 is raised. Class is suspended for kindergarten, elementary, high school, and college when PSWS number 3 is raised.
b. When the students are already in school because the typhoon signal was flashed late and the weather condition becomes worse, the principal may permit parents/guardians to pick up their children before dismissal.
c. No students will be allowed to go home alone unless parents call up the school or submit a written permission to the principal that they allow their child to go home by themselves.
Safety and security measures shall be observed during off-campus activities:
1. Buddy system.
2. Medical Kit is ready.
3. Emergency and evacuation procedures is set.
4. Learners medical condition is checked before the activity.
5. Learner’s emergency contact details obtained.
6. Orient learners with traffic rules and convoy.
7. Weather condition is checked before proceeding with off-campus activities.
In the interest of public health, all public and private basic education schools and learning centers are duty-bound to exercise due diligence and take precautionary measures to minimize exposure to risks associated with the COVID-19 and any other outbreaks, and support government efforts to contain the spread of the virus. Private schools are highly encouraged to adopt the precautionary measures contained herein.
1. Travel limitations and restrictions: subject to separate guidelines from the higher office.
2. Standard Precautions
a. Hand washing Protocols
b. Cough Etiquette
c. Compulsory wearing of mask.
3. Infection Prevention Strategies
a. Physical Set-up and Traffic Control
b. Environmental Sanitation Practices
c. Health Monitoring
d. COVID -19 Weekly Reporting
e. COVID – 19 Task force
f. Posting of Information, Education, Communication (IEC) Materials
Standard Precautions
Standard precautions refer to a set of policies based on the principle that all blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions except sweat, non-intact skin and mucous membranes may contain infectious pathogens that are highly transmissible. These precautions include a group of infection prevention practices that apply to all regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status in any setting.
Handwashing Protocols
Every learner/personnel are advised to do proper hand washing for at least 20 seconds per hand wash. Strict hand washing practices are to be observed in the following instances:
- After using the toilet - Before touching and eating food items.
- If the hands are soiled or feel dirty
- After coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose
Respiratory Hygiene/ Cough Etiquette
The elements of respiratory hygiene/ cough etiquette include:
- Source control measures
– covering the mouth/ nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Prompt disposal of used tissues to proper designated trash bins
- Avoidance of spitting to any place outside or within office vicinity.
- Provision of surgical mask to any person exhibiting signs of respiratory infections
- Hand washing/ hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions
- Spatial separation or social distancing ideally above three (3) feet away from persons with respiratory infections in common waiting areas when possible
Pursuant to the IATF-MEID Resolution No. 18 stating the mandatory wearing of masks, the division office shall require all its employees and walk-in clientele to wear face masks during their entire stay at the office vicinity. Personnel assigned at the office entrance shall see to it that every person entering have done their face masks appropriately. Anyone who objects to wearing of facemask shall not be allowed to enter the office.
The school entrance shall be the only point of entry and exit for everyone visiting the school. Should there be parcels, food or other stuff that will be delivered to certain personnel, the delivered items will be received by the Guard and/or assigned medical staff and it will be disinfected appropriately. Afterwards, the concerned personnel recipient will then be asked to get his/her item from the guard and make the necessary payment, if applicable.
a. Everyone entering the school premises shall:
i. Wear face masks at all times and remove the same only when eating/drinking. The school shall provide the appropriate face masks for personnel who do not have one. Should cloth masks be used, the washable type shall be worn but additional filter material such as tissue papers inside the masks may be added.
ii. Accomplish daily the healthy symptoms questionnaire and submit to the guard or designated safety officer prior to entry.
iii. Have their temperature checked and recorded in the health symptoms questionnaire. For any personnel with temperature more than 37.5 C, even after a 5-minute rest, or if their response in the questionnaire needs further evaluation by the clinic staff, the person shall be isolated in an area identified by the school and not allowed to enter the premises.
iv. Spray alcohol/sanitizers to both hands; and provide disinfectant foot baths at the entrance if practicable.
b. Equipment or vehicle entering the school premises must go through a disinfection process; and
c. If there will be a long queue outside the school premises, roving officers should instill physical distancing of one meter. THERMAL
• The clinic teacher from the school shall be stationed at the school entrance to perform thermal scanning of every person entering. Normal body temperature allowed to enter shall be 36 – 37.5 C. Person’s whose body temp shall exceed 37.5 C will not be allowed to enter the school.
• Immediately after thermal scanning, the assigned clinic teacher shall spray a 70% alcohol to the hands of the person entering. They shall also be advised to step on a disinfection mat provided.
• Symptomatic individuals who exhibit cough, colds or having fever will not be allowed to enter the premises.
• Symptomatic persons identified are to be recorded and issued a referral slip for further consultation and possible laboratory work-up.
• All school personnel and learners having symptoms of respiratory infection are encouraged to stay home until fully recovered. A medical clearance from the attending physician shall be presented upon resumption to work.
Creation of School Task Force COVID-19
For easy and efficient implementation of the established protocols, guidelines, activities, procedures and processes in the school level, a School Task Force COVID-19 (STF-COVID-19) shall be created. The principal or school head shall serve as the Chairperson of the SFT-COVID19. The Assistant Principal (should there be any) and the Master Teachers shall serve as the Assistant Chairpersons. The rest of the teachers shall be the members of the SFTCOVID-19.