Learning and Understanding, Paving towards Achieving Dreams
Every student upon enrolment accepts the obligation to comply with the policies, regulations of the school:
1.1 Regular and punctual attendance is mandatory. Students who fail to come before the official assembly shall be considered late. 1.2 Each student must observe punctuality in school affairs, programs, ceremonies, and other related activities.
1.3 Tardiness
1.3.1 A student is considered late after the second bell in the morning, during recess, and lunch break.
1.3.2 Tardiness affects the grade in conduct. This may be a basis for dismissal at the end of the school year after an official warning has been given during the school year.
2.1 When a student returns from his/her absence, the following are to be presented:
2.1.1 An excuse letter duly signed by his/her parent or guardian to the class adviser.
2.1.2 A medical certificate of a student who was hospitalized due to illness and an excuse letter from the parent/guardian to the school clinic for clearance.
2.2 A student who incurs 10 consecutive absences without consent or any valid reason shall be automatically dropped.
A student cuts classes when he/she does not attend to his/her classes even if he/she is already in school premises.
3.1 At any scheduled time during class hours or during period intervals, a student who leaves the room and is out for 5 minutes or more without due permission shall have committed cutting classes.
3.2 A student who cuts class shall not be admitted the following class day unless accompanied by a parent/guardian.
All learners and are encouraged to wear complete school uniform with I.D.
White straight cut polo with green ring (collar and sleeves) and black pants
Green jogging pants with school logo
AMNNHS P.E T-shirt or White T-shirt
AMNNH P.E T-shirt or White T-shirt
White blouse and skirt (green) •
Black shoes with plain white socks one inch above the ankle
Green jogging pants with school logo
AMNNHS P.E T-shirt or White T-shirt
All learners are encouraged to follow the prescribed haircut.
5.1 Clean and neat 2x3 haircut
5.2 Good grooming inspection every first Monday of the month.
5.7 Hair must be well-kept. Hair must not interfere with sight.
5.8 Good grooming inspection every first Monday of the month.
The school encourages all learners to wear their ID’s all the time for safety and security purposes.
6.1 Lost, stolen, altered, damaged and defaced ID cards must be replaced immediately. A student who does not have an ID for the reasons stated above may obtain a temporary ID/replacement ID from the Principal’s office.
6.2 The ID card in non-transferrable. Borrowing or lending of ID card is an offense and should not be lent, borrowed, or used for another school year.
Grading system will be based on the latest DepEd Order.
Discipline is not punishment. Every school is required by government regulations to maintain discipline and to issue disciplinary rules for strict compliance. They are designed to develop among the students the highest standards of decency, morality, and good behavior. This Code of Discipline prescribes a set of rules and regulations which govern student behavior on or off campus and promote personal growth.
Positive discipline begins with the setting of long-term goals to help our learners with their lives by using everyday situations and challenges as opportunities to teach life-long skills and values to students. The school, as a zone of peace, must then provide the special environment for the formal, physical, mental, emotional, and moral growth of the young.
Every student shall be given due process. If found guilty of violating any disciplinary rule, the learner shall face the consequences in accordance with the provision specified in the handbook. The school shall keep records of the proceedings taken in relation thereto.
​All matters pertaining to external order and discipline are under the jurisdiction pf the office of the Prefect of Students. The Office of the Prefect of Students implements the Code of Discipline and imposes proper sanctions and submit to higher school authorities the recommendations on matters pertaining to discipline, order, and improvements in the observance of school rules and regulations.
• Achieve appropriate student behavior in accordance with the core values of the school.
• Establish safe, caring, supportive and positive learning environment with increased student responsibility.
• Develop the student’s acceptance of responsibility for their own behavior.
• Equip students in making the best possible choices by providing them opportunities to develop decision-making skills.
• Acknowledge that all individuals must be valued and respected. Preserving the child’s dignity is always the school’s priority.
• Realize that consequences for misbehavior aim not to punish, but rather help student regain respect, foster reconciliation and restoration of relationships.
The flag ceremony is done every Monday. Classroom flag ceremony is done Tuesday to Thursday. Friday will be for flag retreat.
1. No student shall be allowed to leave the school premises during class hours or school activities unless a written note from the Office of the Principal/Prefect of Students/Medical-Dental Staff.
2. A student who feels ill during class hours must ask permission from his/her subject teacher to see the first aid /clinic teacher. The attending clinic teacher will then issue a clinic pass, which shall indicate the time of arrival and departure of the student from the clinic. The clinic pass will be presented to the subject teacher upon reporting back to the classroom.
3. If a student is advised to go home, the school nurse shall issue a notice to the parents as approved by the Principal or Prefect of Students. The same shall be presented to the subject teacher and adviser by the clinic/first aid teacher.
4. Upon receipt of the notice, a parent/guardian must fetch his/her child who is sent home due to illness.
5. Student who needs to be pulled out from the class must be issued a call slip duly signed by the concerned office.
6. Vandalism is strictly prohibited.
7. Visitors of any student shall be allowed to enter the school premises upon the approval of the office concerned.
8. Printed materials, other than those listed in the academic programs and other media, are not to be brought to school.
9. Corridors, stairwells, classrooms, laboratories, and other school facilities are to be used only for the purpose indicated.
10. Student shall be responsible for their personal belongings. The school assumes no responsibility for lost articles.
11. Courtesy is expected from everyone.
1. Students are expected to punctually attend classes regularly.
2. Posting of official announcements inside the classroom shall be done by the teacher/adviser. Any alterations should be authorized by the same.
3. Silence must be observed unless asked to speak.
4. The “Keep Right” rule shall be observed when passing through stairwells and corridors.
5. Eating should be done during break time only and in designated areas.
6. Throw waste materials in proper trash bins provided.
1. Every student is encouraged to attend to all school activities held within and outside the school.
2. Activities held inside and outside the school, including weekends or holidays shall be preceded by a circular approved by the principal or authorized representative. Activities without prior notice to the parents are not recognized or sanctioned by the school.
3. The school encourages students to participate in local or inter-scholastic contests which have academic and cultural activities.
4. Results, awards, and prizes received by the student/s representing the school should be presented to the school.
1. To enable the school and the students to attain the goals of the Junior and Senior High School Departments.
2. To prevent the learners from repeated violation.
3. To correct, guide, and strengthen the character of the learners such as respect for others especially the disadvantaged and the less fortunate.
4. To protect the student body and the good name of the school.
Minor Breaches
a. Failure to observe/follow rules on uniform and grooming.
b. Entering off limits area.
c. Misbehavior, which include talking lengthily and loudly, giggling, and other similar violations.
d. Littering
e. Eating during class hours
f. Failure to submit on time a letter of excuse/notice for absences, reply slip and other school correspondence.
g. Deliberate tardiness
h. Bringing of print and non-printed materials other than those academically required.
i. Use of cellular phones and other gadgets inside the campus. The school is not responsible for their loss.
j. Improper manner of sitting anywhere in the campus.
k. Going out of the classroom without teacher’s permission
l. Borrowing, lending, or tampering of pass slip, and borrower’s card.
m. Non-attendance on school activities without valid reason/s.
n. Wearing of shirts bearing vulgar pictures, explicit words, and fraternity logos/emblems.
Any student who commits the above-mentioned minor conduct breach shall be subject to the following actions:
First Offense : One on one conference with the adviser
Second Offense : Parent-Conference with the Guidance Counselor/Designate with written agreement.
Repeated Offense : 1 hour School Community Service with written agreement that an additional hour of school community service will be added every time they commit another minor breach in conduct.
NOTE: -Only parent or guardian may redeem any confiscated materials or items.
-School Community Service may include school chores like sweeping the floor and gardening.
Major Breaches
Classification A
• Unruly behavior or misconduct during mass convocations, assemblies, and other related school activities. (a)
• Damage, loss/misplacement of things/equipment borrowed from any office or department. (a)
• Vandalism (a)
• Use of profane language as an expression of disgust. (a)
• Discourtesy to school authority. (a)
• Unauthorized and forceful entrance to off-limit areas. (a)
• Cutting classes: loitering inside the campus during class hours. (a)
• Gambling in any form, betting or engaging in games of chance involving money or anything of value.
• Jeering, sneering, or exchanging of verbal/written insults (indecent vulgar words) with schoolmates and others within or outside the school in a manner that is publicly scandalous. (a)
• Possession, reading, and distribution of pornographic materials and other indecent publications. (a)
• Committing any act contrary to the DepEd’s vision and mission. (a)
• Assault and battery (a)
• Selling tickets, collecting contributions, soliciting subscriptions, selling or raising class funds without Principal’s approval. (a)
• Cheating (a)
• Extortion (a)
• Bringing cigarettes inside school campus. (a)
• Intentional damaging of school properties. (a)
• Wearing of school uniform inside internet café (Barangay Ordinance). (a)
• Giving or offering false testimony during school investigations. (a)
• Disrespect to school authorities, students, and guests. (a)
• Disruption of classes
• Preventing or threatening faculty members or school authorities from discharging their duties. (a)
• Forgery (a)
• Malversation of funds. (a)
• Smoking within school premises. (a)
Any student who commits the above-mentioned major offenses (a) shall be subjected to the following action:
First Offense : Parent conference with the adviser and prefect of discipline with written agreement plus two (2) hours of school community service on vacant hours in staggerd basis.
Second Offense : Parent conference with the adviser, prefect of discipline, and guidance counselor/designate with written agreement plus two (2) hours of school community service on vacant hours in staggard basis.
Third Offense : Parent conference with the adviser, prefect of discipline, guidance counselor, and the school principal with written agreement plus two (2) hours of school community service on vacant hours in staggard basis.
Classification B
• Tampering/ falsifying any official documents. (b)
• Truancy: missing classes without the knowledge of parents and school authorities and going elsewhere outside the campus. (b)
• Any scandalous act inside and outside the school campus. (b)
• Public display of affection (b)
• Possession and sale of dangerous or prohibited drugs. (b)
• Carrying of deadly weapons and explosives in school. (b)
• Hazing in any form or in any illegal activity whether inside or outside school premises. (b)
• Bullying inside and outside the classroom (b) “Any severe or repeated use by one or more student of written, verbal or electronic expression, or physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that the effect of actually causing the latter in reasonable fear, physical or emotional harm or damage to his/her property, signed on September 12 the Republic Act No. 1063 otherwise known as the “Anti-Bullying Act of 2013”.
• Bringing or drinking alcoholic beverages in school or any school activity outside the school campus. (b)
• Stealing/shoplifting in and out of school. (b)
• Enlargement or maintenance of membership and/or participation in fraternities or sororities whether existing or established after the effectivity of DECS order No.10 Series of 1991 which states: “Fraternities and Sororities are prohibited in Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools. (b)
Any student who commits the above-mentioned major offense (b) shall be subject for the following actions:
First Offense : Parent conference with the adviser and prefect of discipline, guidance counselor/designate, school principal, and the child protection committee.